Security & Scalability: Two Foundational Things your IT Department Needs

Recently, the heat of the keyword “Gamification” has not shown any signs of cooling down due to the impressive results in Marketing campaigns and creating an extremely enjoyable user experience.

Security & Scalability: Two Foundational Things your IT Department Needs

22 August, 2023

Security & Scalability: Two Foundational Things your IT Department Needs

Recently, the heat of the keyword “Gamification” has not shown any signs of cooling down due to the impressive results in Marketing campaigns and creating an extremely enjoyable user experience.

Gamification in the Marketer’s Dictionary

Gamification is the skillful application of game mechanics to activities such as marketing, advertising, administration, education, etc. on mobile platforms, websites or on social networking sites to motivate and motivate customers. accomplish the goals set by the business. Every time customers play the game, when they win or win, they will usually feel very happy and satisfied, that is the feeling that Gamification wants to bring and entice players.

When adding game elements, the customer experience will become more interesting, creating attention and excitement. Gamification encourages user participation, is considered a tool with many creative ideas, enabling businesses to build a different and unique competitive advantage, thereby building trust and loyalty. from the customer side to the brand.

Become trending convincingly

In his book “Gamify: How Games Motivate People to Do Extraordinary Things,” Burke says Gamification’s success is rooted in three motivational factors. These motivations are based on exploiting external factors such as building trust, bringing a feeling of luck, etc. avoiding exploiting external values such as rewards with gifts, money, etc.

The three factors of motivation are as follows:


Different from the purpose of playing normal games for entertainment, reducing stress, etc., gamification marketing exploits customers’ emotions. They enter the game to be able to achieve what makes sense to them at the time.


When participating in the game, the player has the right to make the decision to continue or stop. The story in the game is also written by the players themselves so different choices are used and each customer journey is completely different.

Ability to master the game

The game has simple rules so players can easily and master it. You feel emotional when the game brings will be the motivation to motivate players to participate, not the final reward anymore.

Conquer all objectives in the campaign

1. Improve the level and quality of user interaction

Indicators such as traffic, time on site, number of shares or mentions, etc. are extremely important indicators. These are indicators to improve the quality of communication channels such as website, OA Zalo, etc.

A successful Gamification campaign will keep users constantly on the business communication channels to join the game and share with friends, colleagues, family. Thus, the above measurement index will have a certain effect.

2. Increase sales closing rate

Usually, the rate of closing the sale will be proportional to the level of user interaction. The conversion rate will depend on many other factors, but if the business has an effective Gamification campaign, it will have a higher conversion rate.

3. Increase brand loyalty

It costs 5 times more for a business to acquire a new customer than it costs to retain its existing customers. Activities to retain customers and increase loyalty are always invested by businesses and are an important part of their development.

Bring special value to customers: It can be the joy of playing the game, the excitement, the expectation of rewards after each successful turn or points that can be used for the next purchase. according to. Customers will always remember the first brand if shopping needs arise.

Improve the level of closeness between customers and businesses: The level of closeness is directly proportional to the number of times customers visit the store, website or social channels of the business. If a Gamification campaign gets customer attention and engagement, this will come naturally.

3. Easily collect customer data

Personal information of customers is always on the list of results to achieve in any marketing campaign. However, to collect such information directly from customers will be a sensitive issue and very difficult to implement.

But if the business has an effective Gamification, customers can leave this information spontaneously and completely happy. They know that the information will serve to redeem rewards, redeem vouchers and accumulate points for themselves.

Through its game, businesses can capture customer behavior. What do they like, what to ignore, which vouchers to choose and which games to participate in the most, etc. This information is all statistically, aggregated and analyzed to serve future marketing campaigns.

4. Easy to manage risk, easy to measure

Risks in marketing campaigns are what businesses always want to minimize. And with Gamification, businesses will control this level of risk right from the beginning of the campaign.

The rules of the game are set by the business itself, the rewards, the winning rate or the tasks in the game are within the jurisdiction of the business.

Open many doors of opportunity

In the future, communication channels are predicted to use Gamification more widely and widely. This means that more and more businesses will apply gamification to their business activities and you will have more competition.

Therefore, to lead the trend, you need to start learning and applying right now. Gamification will help businesses improve communication performance significantly, in addition to being a bridge for you and customers to be closer together. The sooner you apply Gamification strategies, the more opportunities you have to enter the market, stay ahead of trends, even competitors.

It is no exaggeration to say that Gamification has blown a new wave of technology in the Marketing industry that is widely used by many businesses. In addition to bringing entertainment to players, Gamification is also a tool to create interactions with customers and thereby become a “war god” to increase sales rapidly in every campaign. TWIN is pleased to work with PangoCDP to become a reputable technology partner with businesses to create every perfect Gamification experience suitable for each purpose that each campaign wants to achieve.

Check it out at:

  • # Twin CRM
  • # Pango CDP
  • # Mobile App Development
  • # Retail
  • # Gamification
  • # Big Data Solutions
  • # AI Solutions
  • # Web 3 & Blockchain Development
  • # Web App Development
  • # Crypto Marketing
  • # Real Estate
  • # Automotive
  • # Education
  • # Digital Health
  • # Power BI